Friday, July 24, 2020

Welcome to A is for Animal: All Things Animal Food & Accessories

Ever since our Golden Shepherd, Moana, made her way into our lives, my husband and I have been a little obsessed with having the best for her. We rescued a little 3 and a half week old puppy from a township, and ever since she has been our fur-daughter. Feeding her on Royal Canine - Baby Milk, for the next month of her life, using a bottle (if you have never done this please do yourself a favour, it creates the most precious connecting time), Moana is growing up strong, healthy, shiny, gorgeous and ....okay I'll stop now. 

The friendly people at Cat Box Hyper in Ballito, North Coast stock this lifesaving product. We needed two eventually.

We have tried and tested many accessories, food products and toys, some of them have been great value for money and effective, but others shouldn't be given to any animal. My aim is to create an honest space to review, showcase, and educate. Welcome to A is for Animal: All Things Animal Food & Accessories. 
Let us try your products out so that pet lover's all over the world can benefit from your contribution to this important niche...

E is for Enormous - What are the Most Enormous Animals in the World? Top 10!!!

🐘   E is for Enormous 🐋 What are the Most Enormous Animals in the World? !!!TOP 10!!! Have you ever stood next to a building and simultane...