Thursday, August 27, 2020

E is for Enormous - What are the Most Enormous Animals in the World? Top 10!!!

🐘 E is for Enormous🐋

What are the Most Enormous Animals in the World?

!!!TOP 10!!!

Have you ever stood next to a building and simultaneously felt overwhelmed by how tiny you really are? Now imagine seeing an enormous unpredictable elephant, standing in front of your car on a game drive. Staring in your direction, the elephant starts to flap it's ears signaling that he feels threatened. The beast's massive legs start picking up the dust around it. It starts charging at you with intention. What do you do? What's your next move? 

The Kruger National Park (KNP) is the largest game reserve in South Africa and one of the world's biggest wildlife sanctuaries. It is approximately the same size as Israel or Wales and covers 20,720 square kilometres. It extends 350km from north to south and 60km from east to west. The KNP is famous for reserving the big 5 which are the Rhino, Leopard, Buffalo, Lion and Elephant.

I've got Mail!: Big Five, South Africa

The elephant in front of us was approximately 3-4m in height, it was charging towards us. I placed the car in reverse and slowly backed up. Mr Elephant was not impressed with our intrusion but was relieved when we started moving away. We got away by the skin of our teeth.
Elephants are the largest land walking mammals on the plant, but there are other an animals that top this magnificent creature in size. 

We have decided to compile a list of the TOP 10 Most Enormous Animals (in their category) in the World. I hope that you will be humbled as I was putting this together. 

10. Goliath Beetle

The Goliath Beetle | Goliath beetle, Insects, Beautiful bugs

Hiding in the undergrowth of African tropical forests, Goliath Beetles take the top spot as the heaviest insect in the world! They weigh up to 3.5 ounces (100 g), grow to a length of 4.5 inches (11.5 cm) and are brown/black/white in colour.

9. Chinese Salamander

Chinese Giant Salamander | Ocean Park Hong Kong

 The Chinese Giant Salamander is the largest living amphibian, weighing around 66 lb (30 kg) though they can reach 132 lbs (60 kg), and growing to a length of 6 ft (1.8 m) long. Having changed little from their ancestors, they are known as living fossils, but despite their fascinating nature, they are endangered and rare in the wild.    

8. Ostrich

They may look goofy, but ostriches are nobody's fool

The Ostrich is the largest living bird, with a height of 9 ft (2.7 m) and weight of 344 lbs (156 kg), and at 1.9 in (5 cm) in size, their eyes are the largest of all birds. They don’t have teeth and can survive without water for days as they can make their own water internally and extract the rest from the vegetation they eat!

 7. Saltwater Crocodile

Why are Nile and saltwater crocodiles so deadly compared to other crocodiles?  - Quora

The largest living reptile is the Saltwater Crocodile, growing to an average length of 17 ft (5.2 m), although they can reach 21 ft (6.3m) in length and weigh up to ~1,000 lb (453 kg). They are distributed widely in brackish and salt waters in parts of India, Asia and Australia and feed on all animals they can get their teeth in to, which includes sharks if they get the chance.

6. Whale Shark

Scientists Gain Insights into the Diet of Endangered Whale Shark | Science  | News

Heading underwater, the largest living fish is the 40 ft (12 m) long Whale Shark. Weighing up to 24 US tons (22 tonnes), they are an impressive sight, but despite their size, they feed mostly on tiny plankton. Present in tropical seas around the world, whale sharks are considered vulnerable and are hunted in some areas

5. Brown Bear

Female brown bears hang out near humans to keep cubs safe from males | New  Scientist

The position of largest living land carnivore is shared between Brown Bears and Polar Bears. Weighing a whopping 907 kg (1 ton) and reaching up to 10 ft (3 m) tall when standing on their hind legs, they’ve definitely earned their spot as the biggest. While you’ll find Brown Bears in the forests and mountains of North America, Europe and Asia, you need to head further north to the Arctic Circle to catch a glimpse of Polar Bears, who split their time between the sea and ice and feed mostly on seals.

4. Giraffe

Baby Giraffes Get Their Spots From Mom | HowStuffWorks

At a height of 19 ft (5.8 m), the Giraffe is the tallest living animal on Earth; the neck alone is 6 ft (1.8 m) tall. At home in grasslands of East Africa, they feed mostly on vegetation high off the ground, using their long prehensile tongues to pull young shoots and leaves from the trees. Babies are born after a 15 month gestation period and are already 2 m tall!

3. African Elephant

Elephant poaching falls dramatically in Africa | Science | AAAS

The largest living land animal is the African Elephant which can weigh up to 6,350 kg (7 tons); they typically grow to 35 ft (10.6 m) from trunk to tail and have a shoulder height of 13 ft (4.2 m). There are at least two species, the savanna elephant and the forest elephant, and they currently cited as venerable in the IUCN Red List of Threatened Species.

2. Colossal Squid

colossal-squid-edited | The New Daily

The size of the colossal squid is often exaggerated, with viral posts on the internet saying they can reach 60 ft (18 m) or even 90 ft (27 m) in length! However, the largest squid documented was 45 ft (14 m) long. They have the largest eyes in the animal kingdom, reaching 10 in (25 cm) in diameter!

1. Blue Whale

Amazing and Interesting Blue Whale Facts for Kids

The Blue whale is the largest animal of all time, reaching a weight of about 198 US tons (180 tonnes) and a length of 98 ft (30 m). Their tongues alone can weigh as much as an elephant and their hearts as much as a car, yet they survive by eating a diet rich in tiny plankton.



 Information on each animal was found on: One Kind Planet

Friday, August 21, 2020

D is for Dog - Top 10 Most Expensive Dogs in the World

🐶D is for Dog🐶

The Most Expensive Dogs in the World

Of all the creatures that our good Lord blessed us with, DOGS are by far one of the most loved, adored, cherished and obsessed-over animals. They portray a level of loyalty and friendship that is just not found in the average human being. 

I myself can testify that the dogs, that I have had the privilege of calling my friends, have all played a small part in who I am today. 

Our not-so-little fur-child Princess Moana, has been the absolute joy and light in our lives and she is only turning one next month. She has changed our lives by being the faithful companion that she is. Our welcome post has more about her if you want to go and check it out. >>>>Princess Moana

Giving our fur-children the best can leave our pockets feeling rather sad, but we suck it up and we do it regardless because we love them. If you've got the budget to firstly buy and then to maintain these Top 10 World's Most Expensive Dogs, here is a little visual catalogue for you to feast your eyes upon. These dog's price tags match their vet bills. 

10. Afghan Hound

 afghan hound with flowing hair

The Afghan Hound comes from the mountains of Afghanistan and is widely regarded as one of the most beautiful dogs with their flowing coats and curly tails. They even require daily hair brushing because their long silky coats become tangled very easily.

The hounds have an average life of 10-14 years, and their health conditions might cost you some more money. They’re predisposed to cataracts and hypothyroidism, which can cost up to $3,000 (around R51,000), driving the price of this pup up even more.

9. Pharaoh Hound

The Pharaoh Hound: A Breed Waiting to Be Discovered

Meaning “rabbit dog” in Maltese, the Pharaoh Hound is generally used for hunting rabbits in the Maltese Islands. These dogs are highly intelligent as well as athletic and tend to range from 45-55 pounds.

The breed has an average life expectancy of 11-14 years but is extremely sensitive to stress. Stress can lead to severe digestive and neurotic issues which can cost more than $1,500 (around R25,500) to treat. The positive is their genetic makeup; they’re loyal hounds that can be trained well for families and larger groups.

8. Dogo Argentino

El Dogo Argentino: origen, características y comportamiento ...

Originally developed for big game hunting, due to its muscular stature, Dogo Argentinos are one of the most expensive dogs in the world. Their muscular body allows the doggo to hunt wild hogs in South America and Asia mainly.

First bred in 1928, the Dogo Argentino’s main ancestors are the extinct Cordoba Fighting Dog and the Great Dane. Because of their dominant physical traits, it’s illegal to own in the UK, Colorado and New York City.  

Their life expectancy is 12-14 years, but they can suffer from hip dysplasia and deafness, leading to vet bills upwards of $1,600 (around R27,200). However, without regular daily exercise, health issues can increase, as well as the vet costs.

7. Canadian Eskimo Dog

Canadian Eskimo Dog | Dog Breeds Facts, Advice & Pictures ...

The Canadian Eskimo dog is one of the rarest breeds in the world and is currently facing extinction with less than 300 dogs remaining in 2018. They were brought to North America from Siberia more than 1,000 years ago and had been decreasing recently since the 1960s.

Their numbers decreased mainly due to the invention of the snowmobile and the Royal Canadian Mounted Police (RCMP) dog killings of 1950-1970. The Canadian Police killed up to 20,000 Canadian Eskimo Dogs to intentionally disrupt the dog’s way of living, and the breed has never recovered.

The breed is also prone to gastric torsion, entropion, where the eyelid folds over itself, heat intolerance and arthritis. Canadian Eskimo Dogs are also said to be very territorial and often overreact to small disturbances, which is why they’re not ideal for families with children.

6. Rottweiler

Rottweiler breed show returns | Highway Mail

This one might surprise some people because Rottweilers are a generally more common breed than all the other puppers on this list. While they’re not crazy expensive to buy, normally $1,500 (around R25,500) initially, they rack up money in vet bills due to health issues.

The breed is extremely susceptible to almost every single disease or condition for dogs, especially hip and joint issues, which is why their pet insurance claims are the highest among any other breed. Rottweiler owners can expect to pay more than $300 (around R5100) annually on their dog insurance and even more for a claim.

Their lifespan is also significantly lower than other dogs at only 8-10 years. However, they’re considered a great family pet because of their loyalty and obedience to their owners.

5. Azawakh

Azawakh Breed Information

As one of the newest breeds in 2019, the Azawakh is also one of the most expensive. Hailing from West Africa, they were mainly used as hunting dogs and are distinct relatives to Middle Eastern and South Indian hounds.

The breed is scarce in North America but is gaining popularity after being recognized by the AKC in early 2019. Being hunting dogs, Azawakh’s quickly recover from injuries and have few hereditary conditions; they only suffer from epilepsy or Wobbler disease.

Azawakh’s average lifespan is 12-15 years with high-quality dog food and daily walks or runs. They only exercise in the presence of their owner so they’ll keep you in shape too!

4. Tibetan Mastiff

8 Photos of the Ancient Tibetan Mastiff | FotoSCAPES

This massive doggo made its way to American from Tibet where it protected sheep from predators like wolves, leopards, and bears. The mastiff can reach more than 150 pounds, for grown males, and fends off some of the fiercest animals.

While they were initially used as guardians and protectors, they became too expensive for their owners to maintain and they slowly began to vanish. The breed is very alert and will protect your family at a moment’s notice.

Tibetan Mastiffs are relatively healthy but are prone to hereditary conditions such as hip dysplasia, hypothyroidism, and eye anomalies. Feel free to get them tested often. 

3. Chow Chow

Everything about your Chow Chow - LUV My dogs

The Chow Chow originates from northern China and is one of the oldest and rarest breeds in the world. The dog itself is expensive to buy, but the costs to own a Chow Chow don’t stop there. You’ll rack up the bills for food, treats, vet bills, grooming, and health issues, which can total around $11,000 (around R187,000) for their life.

They require a decent amount of regular exercise, such as four or more walks per day. The breed is also naturally stubborn, which can impact train-ability and potentially hinder the relationship between you and your pup.

2. Löwchen

Lowchen - Once the rarest dog in the world

Also known as the “little lion dog,”-the Löwchen has been popular among Europeans for more than 500 years, as it originated in France. It was once the rarest dog in the globe in 1973 when only 65 were left in the world; currently there are only 300 remaining dogs registered each year worldwide.

The Löwchen is also one of the most outgoing dogs in the world; they’re very active and playful which makes them perfect for families and children. With that being said, they need persistent attention of humans; they’re unhappy when they’re left alone for long periods.

While it’s not the most expensive dog in the world, these little dogs are surprisingly healthy, so you won’t go into debt paying for their health issues, but the problem is the upfront cost of the pup. You also get a lot of bang for your buck; Löwchen’s live for 13-15 years.

1. Samoyed

All About Samoyed Dog Breed – Origin, Behavior, Trainability ...

Coming in at the #1 overall spot for the most expensive dog in the world is the Samoyed originating from Siberia. The rare breed is known for its kind, loving, and eager to please attitude along with their smiling faces.

The world’s most expensive dog has a strong sense to run away and roam for miles on end, so always make sure they’re on a leash. They’re also brilliant, social, and mischievous dogs that always demand attention, making them perfect for families and children.

While the dogs are rare, they do rack up vet bills like no other dog. They’re prone to expensive health issues, such as corneal dystrophy, autoimmune conditions, and cardiac disorders that can mount to around $5,000 (around R85,000).

Thank you for reading our blog. 
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Here is a funny dog video to get you smiling today!!!

Information on each dog was obtained from here.

Monday, August 17, 2020

C is for Cat - Top 10 Rarest and Strangest Cats (with Remastered Breed Names).

 🐱C is for Cat🐱

I have a somewhat hate/love relationship toward the idea of cats. I'm not extremely gaga over cat videos and pictures, maybe this makes me a minority in this Cat-Loving Planet we inhabit. 

I've had a total of two cats in my life. My first feline was Tigger, a gorgeous beige and orange kitty..... that was infuriated with the sight of me or even with me looking in it's general direction. An acquaintance of mine seemed to be the whole world to this ungrateful fur-thing. So my friend then took the little demon off of my hands. 

A few years later my wife and I were given a little kitten named Marley, he was the only cat that ever liked me....and I it. Our lives were uprooted due to unforeseen circumstances and we were forced to give him up for adoption. Marley became the proud Cat of a boy with ASD (Autism Spectrum Disorder), bringing him heaps of joy. 

Now and then one stumbles upon a picture of a cat that blows your mind with its jaw-dropping beauty and some even shock your senses with its plain-out-right fugliness (or cuteness however you see it). 

A is for Animal has compiled a list of what we feel are the rarest, strangest and cutest felines on the interwebs. So without further a due here are our Top 10 Rarest and Strangest Cats of which we have taken the opportunity to rename some of the breeds, as we found their original names to be quite mundane and boring. I hope they put a smile on your dial. 

10. The Frikkie Cat
(I'm not as dumb as I look)

9. The Alien Cat
(I'm not as old as I look)

8. The Dwarf Cat
(I'm not as ugly as I look)

7. The LaPerm Cat
(I'm not as vain as you think I am)

6. The Four-Eared Cat
(I not as common as you think I am)

5. The Fur-Ball Cat
(I'm not as chilled as I look)

4. The Curly Asian Cat
(I'm not as friendly as I look)

3. The Pokemon Cat
(I'm not as strange as you think I am)

2. The Tiger Cat
(I'm not as grumpy as I look)

1. 🏆The Champion Cat🏆
(I am more awesome than you think I am)


Follow us on Facebook: A is for Animal
Please leave us a comment. Let us know about your cat love/hate...

In the mean while enjoy this Evil Cat video:

And introducing Madam Preggos, the Pregnant Sphinx

Saturday, August 15, 2020

B is Bed - Top 8 whackiest pet BEDS.

🐶B is for Bed🐱

Our furry friends always deserve the best.  I remember spending an astronomical amount on bed and blanket accessories. Our furry children need to be comfortable and safe. But sometimes people take their pets resting area to the next level. 

A is for Animal is going through the alphabet show casing all things animal food and accessories. Today we are highlighting the letter B. 

We scoured the internet to find some of the wackiest, and cutest pet beds. Which ones are your favourite? 

8. Infinity Cat Bed
7. Banana Cat Bed

6. PC Monitor Cat Bed

5. Suit Case Cat Bed

4. Hot Dog Bed
3.  Cozy Cat Heater Bed

2. Croc-o-Dog Bed 

1. 🏆Trailer Park Dog🏆

Like & Follow us on Facebook : A is for Animal

E is for Enormous - What are the Most Enormous Animals in the World? Top 10!!!

🐘   E is for Enormous 🐋 What are the Most Enormous Animals in the World? !!!TOP 10!!! Have you ever stood next to a building and simultane...